Friday, September 10, 2010

"Flat" card

I haven't done a lot with flat cards. But I tried to do something on a regular card and didn't like it. So I cut at the fold and was left with this flat! So, I just wrote on the back and threw it in the envelope! I was happy with how it turned out and how simple it will be to duplicate when I just need something quick!

Pop-up Christmas Cards

I made these cards as samples to show for a card-making class I may teach in October at church. And I'm pretty sure I'll use one of these designs, or something similar for sending out christmas cards this year :)

(the inside says "Warm Holiday Wishes")

Bulletin Board

It was my turn to do the bulletin board in our Primary room at church. I like how it turned out, but Bryce said it looks too much like Valentine's day :)

Back To School

I made these little kits for the kids teachers. I made a stack of thank you cards for each of them, then added post-it flags, red pens, Chapstick and mints. The girls teachers also got stickers, but I figured 5th grade AND a male teacher wouldn't be so into stickers :) The bags are from Clear Bags, and I love them! They also have clear boxes, and different sizes of envelopes and everything else!

Big Hug

This card was made for a family that suffered a tragedy. We wanted to do something from our Primary to the family, just to let them know we were thinking of them and praying for them. Here is what I came up with:


Here's another super-cute guy from the Create A Critter cartridge. The more cards I make, the more fun I have! And the more I realize how handy rubber stamp phrases are. I just hand-wrote the inside of this one, but I'm now working on adding to my stamp collection. Thank you, Michael's for 40-50% off coupons!! :)